chaulmoogra oil การใช้
- He injected these patients with a mixture of chaulmoogra oil, resorcin, and camphorated oil.
- With his assistants, Piper gave 32, 000 injections of Chaulmoogra oil in one year.
- The effectiveness of Chaulmoogra oil brought other problems as well.
- As a treatment for leprosy, he advocated a mixture of chaulmoogra oil, camphor and guaiacol.
- Chaulmoogra oil had previously been used in the treatment of Hansen's disease ( leprosy ) with mixed results.
- People treated with Chaulmoogra oil, although free of the disease, suffered great physical mutilations caused by leprous sores.
- In 1894 he administered subcutaneous injection of chaulmoogra oil to a 36-year-old Egyptian Copt who had been unable to tolerate oral treatment.
- Trees of the species that yield Chaulmoogra oil grow to a height of and in India trees bear fruits in August and September.
- Tellingly, the standard Hansen's disease treatment of the time ( chaulmoogra oil ) had not been given to the patients since they left Peel Island.
- Up until that time, the principal remedy was chaulmoogra oil and its derivatives, medicines that were imported from India and regarded with skepticism in the West.
- Under the appointment-ship of Governor General Leonard Wood, Culion continued to expand its staff and facilities and continued using Chaulmoogra Oil for treatment into the 1920s and 1930s.
- He also demonstrated that chaulmoogra oil, which at the time was thought to be an efficient treatment, was actually not beneficial, but harmful to the treatment of the disease.
- The seeds of this plant have been confused with " Hydnocarpus wightiana " as the Chaulmoogra oil, which is used in Indian medicine to treat several skin conditions and diseases.
- The use of Chaulmoogra oil, first demonstrated in a Louisiana leper Colony, became an effective way of treating the disease as a number of cases became negative after the first year.
- ""'Hydnocarpus " "'is a genus of medium to large trees of Indochina, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, having alternate leaves, small dioecious racemose flowers, and capsular fruits of which several are sources of chaulmoogra oil and hydnocarpus oil.
- Chaulmoogra oil, which is taken from capsular fruits of Hydnocarpus genus trees of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, had been the only one remedy in wide use before Guy Henry Faget proved the efficacy of promin in 1943 Promin started the era of sulfon chemicals and revolutionalized the treatment of leprosy.